MTD Approach

Child-Friendly Interviews

Forensic interviews of teens and children are the cornerstone of the Child Advocacy Center Program and child abuse investigations. These interviews are provided by a trained interviewer and are conducted in a child-friendly and neutral place and in an unbiased and fact-finding manner. The child is given the opportunity to talk to the interviewer about what they have experienced or know that resulted in a concern about abuse. The interview is observed through closed-circuit TV by the professionals who need to know what happened so the child will only have to talk about the details of what happened during this interview.


Multi-disciplinary Team

Our goal at Regional CAC is to be a voice for the children and to provide a place where they can begin healing. When abuse victims arrive at Regional CAC, they will find caring professionals who are dedicated to reducing the trauma of the criminal justice system. Members of the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) who are responsible for the investigation and prosecution of these difficult cases come together at the CAC to watch the forensic interview and make plans as a team to investigate and provided services to these young victims. These same professionals from DHR, Law Enforcement, District Attorney’s Office and CAC staff join other professionals representing mental health, juvenile probation, and medical to review these cases monthly in Case Review meetings. The Regional CAC has multidisciplinary teams in Clarke, Washington and Choctaw counties as well as Satellite Offices in both Washington and Choctaw counties.


Training for Professionals

The NCAC Training Center is located on the campus of the National Children’s Advocacy Center in Huntsville, Alabama, and is one of the leading providers of quality training for professionals working with abused children and their families. To meet the varied needs of the child abuse professional, training sessions are available on campus, online, customized training taken to the professionals, and through the International Symposium on Child Abuse yearly conference.


Child Abuse Library Online (CALiO)

CALiO is one of the largest professional resource collections available today, providing access to published knowledge, educational materials, and resources related to child maltreatment. This online library provides an array of professional services, described below, including online search services, table of contents services, and training. CALiO and NCAC’s On-Campus Research Library are primarily research collections supporting the professional work of the organization. However, the library and its collections are available to other professionals and to the public.

Access CALiO