Our Home

Almost home

Almost Home is a special place. A safe place where children are loved respected and cared for. A happy place where children can live, laugh and learn. A home of security that enables children to grow and where memories are made. Children can hope and dream. Hope about the future and dream about what they want to become.

It’s not home but it is “Almost Home”, a place for children and teens to come when they cannot remain at their own homes safely. Large sibling groups (up to 6) are able to stay together here for a few days or many months if necessary. Children from infant to 18 years of age are able to maintain as much normalcy as possible because of the services provided at “Almost Home.”

The foster parent(s) at the home coordinate with the children’s social workers to ensure that their needs are assessed and met to keep them safe, healthy, and comfortable in their temporary home. The children are enrolled in school or pre-school as soon as possible in order to reduce disruption in their education and socialization. While the child is in foster care, outside visits with family can be approved by the child’s social worker if this can be accomplished without risk. Although Almost Home is licensed as a foster home by Clarke County DHR, the home can accept referrals through any DHR in Alabama.

When the kids are not at school, they can play with toys, computers, or enjoy a large backyard with a swing set or participate or other outdoor activities. Other enrichment activities include trips to Clarke County restaurants, parks, churches, and other events for fun and entertainment.