Making a difference
Every year, thousands of children are impacted in one way or another by child abuse. How adults handle investigations and how plans are made to protect children will affect the degree of additional trauma they experience. Children who are experiencing abuse often feel afraid, guilty, unworthy and alone.
Children are our greatest treasure. Their innocence, wonder and hope for the future give us all reason to cherish them.
Regional CAC is making a difference in the lives of these children in the state of Alabama by serving Clarke, Choctaw, and Washington counties. We advocate for children by providing specialized services to the children and prevention services to the community. We provide a multidisciplinary approach to the investigation and prosecution of child sexual abuse, and offer the child and family emotional support and preparation for the entire court process.
We believe everyone should

Be A Voice
You can make a difference
help our children
How we help
When a child’s dreams are shattered and innocence is stolen by abuse or neglect, we are here to help restore those treasures. We provide a Home Away from Home. It’s not home but it is “Almost Home” – a place for children and teens to come when they cannot remain at their own homes safely. Large sibling groups (up to 6) are able to stay together here for a few days or many months if necessary.
Our quiet place to visit…
When children/teens and families enter our Child Advocacy Center, they feel like they are walking into a home, not an office. They are greeted with warm smiles from caring staff who welcome them to a place built just for them.
our children
“Safety and security don’t just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment.
We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in
our society, a life free of violence and fear.”
— Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa
As adults who care about children, we do our best to protect them.
Children Served
CAC Services
Outreach Services
Foster Care Services